


Frequently Asked Question

How long can messages be?

You can send up to 160 characters in a single short message of 1 sms unit.

For long message (> 160 message length), it is 153 characters per sms unit. eg. For 2 sms units, your message length is up to (153 + 153) = 306.

Message can be as long as more than 10 units but to be sure please do your own testing first before sending out the bulk sms.

Is unicode supported?

Yes. When you are unicode mode, the message length of 1 SMS is up to 70.

How long does it take to deliver a text message?

Text messages are usually delivered near to instantly or in seconds depending on your number of recipients. During peak hours, there could be a short delay. Please note that additional delays may occur if the recipient's phone is switched off or out of the coverage area. When this happens, a carrier will attempt to deliver your message for up to the validity period with a default duration of 48 hours. Based on our experience for SMS to Singapore, we have an average delivery speed of 15-20 messages per second.

How protected and secured is this service?

As this is a Cloud service, your message and mobile phone database is kept in the main datacentre in Germany which is ISO certified. GMT can endorse a non-disclosure agreement with you if there is a need to comply with your company's policy.

Does GMT provide mobile database?

The answer is no. We do not provide mobile database to anyone for spamming as mentioned in point 4 that we will protect our clients’ confidential data. Not only we protect clients' data, GMT does not encourage spamming and we strongly against unsolicited SMSes.

Is there any expiry date for the SMS credits purchased?

The answer is no. Our business is long term.